Welcome to DAY Three
of the

Attaching to God Virtual Summit

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Welcome to Day Three

with Cyd and Geoff Holsclaw (PhD)

Please don't skip it ;-)


Session 1: Nearing a Far God through the Psalms

with Leslie Leyland Fields

Bio: Leslie Leyland Fields is a teacher, speaker, and the multi-award-winning author of fourteen books, translated into 10 languages. She hails from  Kodiak Island, off of Alaska, where she leads faith and writing retreats.  Her most recent book is Nearing a Far God: Praying the Psalms with Our Whole Selves.

LEARN MORE about Cyd and Geoff's ATTACHING TO GOD LEARNING COHORT where we learn to quiet our ANXIOUS JUNGLES and AVOIDANT DESERTS by building a SECURE Attachment to God and others.


Session 2: The Freedom of Constraints and Attaching to God

with Jared Boyd

Jared Boyd is a pastor (Vineyard USA), spiritual director, and Founding Director of the Order of the Common Life, a missional monastic order reimagining religious vocations for the 21st Century. In local pastoral ministry he has been working to bring together the contemplative, charismatic, and sacramental streams of the church. Jared is author of Imaginative Prayer, and Finding Freedom in Constraint: Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life.

LEARN MORE about Cyd and Geoff's ATTACHING TO GOD LEARNING COHORT where we learn to quiet our ANXIOUS JUNGLES and AVOIDANT DESERTS by building a SECURE Attachment to God and others.



Landscapes of the Soul:

How the Science and Spirituality of Attachment Can Move You into Confident Faith, Courage, and Connection

Set it and forget it—

"Does it feel like you experience life in a totally different way than others? Like you are living somewhere else, and you can’t build connection or intimacy with God like others can?

No matter where you find yourself emotionally, relationally, or spiritually, Jesus meets you there and helps you move toward a place of peace and rest—the place of secure attachment."

Read more about it here.

Register for the Summit, and get reminders in your inbox for Day 2 and 3.

And get the FREE Summit Swag Bag: 

• The Brain God Gave Us (PDF)
• Joy Changes Everything (PDF)
• How to Deepen Your Transformation (PDF)

• The Life Model—Simply Explained (PDF)
• ...and more

Session 3: Keeping the Presence of God in View

with Summer Joy Gross

Summer Joy Gross is an Anglican priest, retreat leader, and spiritual director whose work is guided by the belief that our stories can be transformed by God's invitation to make his love our home base. She is associate faculty of spiritual formation and the art of spiritual direction at the Healing Care Ministries' spiritual direction school. She is the host of The Presence Podcast and lives in North Georgia with her husband, their three teenagers.

LEARN MORE about Cyd and Geoff's ATTACHING TO GOD LEARNING COHORT where we learn to quiet our ANXIOUS JUNGLES and AVOIDANT DESERTS by building a SECURE Attachment to God and others.


Session 4: Attaching to God with the Desert Mothers and Fathers

with Andrew Arndt

Andrew Arndt is the lead pastor of New Life East, one of seven congregations of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. He is the host of the Essential Church podcast,  a podcast designed to strengthen the thinking of church and ministry leaders. He is the author of Streams in the Wasteland: Finding Spiritual Renewal with the Desert Fathers and Mothers.

Come study with Geoff and Cyd. Check out their DMIN in Spiritual Formation and Relational Neuroscience (through Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI).



Meet Your Hosts

Cyd & Geoff Holsclaw — of Embodied Faith

Geoff (PhD) is a pastor, author of multiple books, and visiting professor of theology at Western Theological Seminary.

Cyd is an author, spiritual director, and pastor. She is also a trauma-informed, Jesus-centered, integrative coach (PCC) focused on embodied practices and building a secure attachment to God.

Together, they co-host the Attaching to God podcast, which offers a neuroscience-informed spiritual formation.

They are co-authors of Does God Really Like Me? Discovering the God Who Wants to Be With You, and a forthcoming book on attaching to God.

Register for the Summit, and get reminders in your inbox for Day 2 and 3.

And get the FREE Summit Swag Bag: 

• The Brain God Gave Us (PDF)
• Joy Changes Everything (PDF)
• How to Deepen Your Transformation (PDF)

• The Life Model—Simply Explained (PDF)
• ...and more